Click to view and/or download the regulations listed below:
- The Casino Gaming (Application for Declaration of Approved Int.) Regulations, 2012
- The Casino Gaming (Prescribed Games) Regulations, 2012
- The Constables (Special) (Amendment of the Fifth Schedule) Regulations, 2012
- The Constabulary Force (Amendment of the First Schedule) Regulations, 2012
- The Defence (Retired Pay, Pensions and other Grants) (Amendment) Regulations, 2012
- The Financial Administration ad Audit (Fiscal Responsibility Framework) Regulations, 2012
- The Minimum Wage (Industrial Security Guards)(Amendment) Order, 2012
- The Mutual Assistance (Criminal Matters) (Commonwealth) (Amendment) Order, 2012
- The Pensions (Amendment of Schedule) Regulations, 2012
- The Pensions (Parochial Officers) (Amendment of Schedule) Regulations, 2012
- The Pensions (Teachers) (Amendment of Schedule) Regulations, 2012
- The Public Bodies (Financial Distribution) Regulations, 2012
- The Public Bodies Management and Accountability (Information and Particulars) Regulations, 2012
- The Sexual Offences (Registration of Sex Offenders) Regulations, 2012